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您的位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 水泵知识水泵冷却系统说明
A water pump is an important part of the engine cooling system.水泵是发动机冷却系统的重要组成部分。
It provides circulation of the engine coolant (antifreeze) through the cooling system (see the top picture).它提供了发动机冷却水通过冷却系统(防冻液)循环(见图片上方)。
A water pump pushes the coolant through the passages (water jackets) in the engine cylinder block and cylinder head and then out into the radiator.一台水泵推通过在发动机缸体,缸盖的通道(水套),冷却液,然后将散热器了。 This helps to keep the engine from overheating; the hot coolant passes through the radiator where it cools down and then returns back to the engine.
A water pump is usually driven by the engine through the drive belt.
一台水泵通常是由发动机驱动,通过传动皮带。 Sometimes it's driven by a timing belt.有时它的驱动下同步带。
A water pump consists of the housing with the shaft rotating on the bearing pressed inside.一台水泵组成的上压与轴轴承旋转房屋内。
At the outer side there is a pulley mounted on the shaft.在外侧有一个滑轮安装在轴上。At the inner side there is a seal to keep the coolant from leaking out and the impeller that acts like a centrifugal pump (see the lower picture).在内侧有一个密封,防止泄漏出来,像一个叶轮离心泵行为(参见下图)的冷却液。
Typical water pump problems include coolant leaks, noisy or defective bearing, damaged or corroded impeller.典型的问题包括冷却水泵漏水,噪音或有缺陷的轴承,叶轮损坏或锈蚀。
Faulty water pump might cause the engine to overheat, which can result in serious engine damage.水泵故障可能导致引擎过热,从而导致发动机严重损坏。 If defective, a water pump is replaced as a unit.如果出现问题,一台水泵被替换为一个单元。Is it worth to replace a water pump when a timing belt is being replaced?是否值得更换水泵同步带时,被更换?
Sometimes you might be suggested to replace the water pump at the same time the timing belt is being replaced.有时你可以建议,以取代在同一时间同步带被替换水泵。 In cases when a water pump is driven by a timing belt it's worth to do because it involves very little extra labor, plus, a water pump is subject to wear anyway.在当一台水泵由同步带是值得做的,因为它涉及非常少的额外劳动,加上带动的情况下,一台水泵反正是受磨损。 As long as the original parts are being used, I'd recommend to go for it.只要正在使用原厂配件,我建议你去了。
上一篇: 螺杆泵的优缺点 下一篇: 如何选择液压油缸水泵